Monday, January 23, 2012

"Sometimes they come back" or "Literary Diarrhea has to go somewhere"

Well folks, after a long hiatus I've decided to start writing Technical Knockout again. To be honest I've been trying to get back into writing for some time, even just to bitch blog about something or other. Anything! But alas, between my responsibilities IRL and a terminal case of writer's block it just hasn't been possible.

As some of you may know, I more or less stopped updating Technical Knockout back in 2010 so that I could focus my time and energy on another project. In the intervening time since then (nearly two years), the other project has more or less sunk and my situation in life has changed several times. It is only now that I have both the time and inclination to start writing again. And maybe now is a good time for it. We shall soon find out.

Anyhow, in the immortal word of Forest Gump "Thats all I've got to say about that", so keep an eye out for future entries on various topics.


Edit: Just to give you an idea of what may be in the works for future posts, I'm currently looking forward to the release of the Raspberry Pi Gnu/Linux box and the types of projects that will allow for. On a similar note, I'm also currently in the early planning stages of building a wireless router (with the possibility of NAS functionality) using a cimilar single board computer. More details on the latter once I'm further into the project.

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